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What is Myofascial Cupping?

So what exactly is Myofascial Cupping? What are the markings? And what exactly does it do? I thought I would write a blog post answering the really common questions I get asked on the daily about why, when and what Myofascial Cupping is.

Where did Cupping come from?

There are many forms of cupping therapies such as fire cupping, vacuum cupping (this is what I do) and I'm sure there are now more. But all of these cupping techniques are all derived from ancient Chinese medicine. The vacuum cupping is the western version and was brought to the mainstream thanks to Michael Phelps showing up to the Olympics covered in marks in 2016. Since then this form of therapy has blown up!

What is it actually doing?

Through the vacuuming of the skin the cups are creating negative decompression. Decompressing the layers of skin and fascia (connective tissue) increases blood and lymphatic flow to the area. Cupping is really good on chronically tight areas that massage may struggle to break down. You may also see them being used with movement like in my video down below.

What are the marks left behind? And are they bruises?

Through the decompression of the layers of skin as mentioned above, blood rises to the surface of skin. If you think back to High School and think of a hickey/love bite more than a bruise that is caused by force. The coloration left behind is also an indication to how the area is doing. The darker the marks the more issues happening below the skin.

4. Does it hurt?

This is a question I get all of the time. It doesn't hurt but it can feel slightly strange as the cups are pulling the skin/tissues. After the treatment the spots may feel slightly tender, but it shouldn't hurt like a bruise.

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